
Pre-work: Goals to Achieve This Year

Goals to Achieve

Setting financial goals is a key first step in the process of getting on track financially.  Goals provide the “why” for all the work you’ll be doing during the course and as a result of the course.  The “why” will keep you motivated to follow through on your decisions in the months ahead.

Make it a priority to reflect on your financial goals. If you are married, make time to discuss financial goals with your spouse. These goals will become the basis for shaping your Spending Plan, and they will provide motivation for following through on your decisions in the months ahead.

The attached form will guide you through setting some financial goals.  Spend some time praying over these goals.  If you’re married, discuss them with your spouse.  You’ll want to refer back to these throughout the course and over the next few months to help keep you motivated.  This may not seem like an important step now, but it will serve as the foundation for many of your decisions during the course and for your actions afterward.

Be as specific as you can with these financial goals.  Specific goals help drive actions better than vague generalities.  For example, don’t settle for “Pay off Debt”.  Instead, set a goal of “Pay off Credit Card X in the amount of Y by Z date.”  You may not have enough information at this stage to get this specific, so come back to the goals form when you have completed the rest of the pre-work; some of the other pre-work exercises may help inform your goals.

For tips on setting financial goals, see our related Newsletter Article.

Click on the link below for the Goals to Achieve form.

Goals to Achieve