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Articles to help you develop and lead your stewardship ministry, and stewardship tips you can pass on to your congregation.

Making Financial Decisions (pt. 2)

Financial mistakes. We all make them. But often, those mistakes become patterns that we don’t recognize. Why do we make the same mistakes repeatedly? Why do we swing over to make exactly the opposite mistakes? Learn how to move beyond shame over past mistakes to recognize their causes and make different decisions in the future.

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Making Financial Decisions (pt. 1)

Most of our financial decisions don’t begin with numbers. The numbers are simply reflections of our realities and our priorities. Learn some key factors that influence our financial decisions and how to respond more intentionally.

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Handling Financial Setbacks (pt. 2)

If we’re not prepared, financial setbacks can impact our lives in multiple ways. We can panic and make unwise decisions in a desperate struggle for stability. Or, we can take a step back and prayerfully consider alternatives. Learn how to respond wisely to unexpected setbacks.

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Handling Financial Setbacks (pt. 1)

We all face financial setbacks. Sometimes we’re prepared; sometimes we’re not. But regardless of our level of financial preparation, these setbacks can impact us emotionally and threaten our commitment to stewardship. Learn how to respond from a Biblical perspective.

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Stewardship Path: Stability

Financial Stability. For those of us who are in financial crisis, this is what we’re shooting for. The path to stability is both a spiritual and a financial one – after all, Scripture consistently points out the spiritual implications of money. Learn a holistic approach to achieving financial stability.

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Intentional Stewardship

Stewardship, like all discipleship, has certain characteristics common to all believers – like patience, gratitude, and faith. But it doesn’t look identical in each person. Learn how to apply some key principles and patterns in your unique situation.

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Prosperity Theology vs. Stewardship Principles

Prosperity theology has gained a lot of traction in the Western church – and no wonder; it sounds great! But is it faithful to the teaching of Scripture? Learn how the emphasis and basic tenets of prosperity teaching compare with Scriptural stewardship principles.

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Building Stewardship Habits

Faithful stewardship requires more than just determining priorities and setting goals. It demands key stewardship habits – both spiritual and financial. Learn some habits that will help you pursue financial freedom.

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Our Stewardship Year, Pt. 2

Faithful stewardship is a direction, not a destination. There are mileposts along the way, but the journey is about the habits we’re cultivating and the practices we’re putting in place. Learn how to plan your stewardship journey.

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Our Stewardship Year, Pt. 1

As the year comes to a close, it’s a great time to evaluate our growth in stewardship. How faithful were we with the resources God provided? Learn how to evaluate where you’ve been in terms of important stewardship areas, and prepare for growth in the coming year!

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Stewardship vs. Generosity

When we hear the word stewardship in church, we nearly always hear it in the context of giving. But stewardship is much more than giving – it encompasses all we do with the resources God provides.

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