
Stewardship starts with our finances. Jesus taught that we have to choose between serving God and serving money, and this is a lifelong journey.

But stewardship doesn’t end with finances. All that we have is from God – our time and talents, our spiritual gifts, our education and knowledge, our opportunities, our influence and relationships, and so much more.

The new year is a great time to engage the conversation around how we will steward all that we have in the coming year. How will we utilize the resources God has given us? How will we care for and multiply those resources (including such basic things as our health)? How will we make them count for God’s glory, the good of others, and our own benefit?

When we manage our finances faithfully, we open the door to honoring God with our labor, our influence, our experience, and so much more.

Join us as podcast host James Lenhoff paints a wholistic picture of stewardship and invites us to envision and commit to whole-life stewardship in the new year.