
Spring brings newness of life and fills our minds with possibilities. We rejoice in spending more time outdoors. Maybe we get a spring break. We anticipate a summer vacation.

Spring is also a great time to reflect on our practice of stewardship. If we set goals at the beginning of the year, enough time has gone by that we can get an idea of whether we’re on track. And if we’re a bit off track, enough time remains in the year to make the needed course corrections.

This isn’t about beating ourselves up – it’s about understanding where we are in terms of stewardship and comparing that with where we wanted to be at this point. If we’re not where we wanted to be, then it’s about examining our stewardship and understanding the reasons why.

The place to begin is with prayer – expressing gratitude to God for His provision, confessing any areas where we haven’t been faithful, asking for wisdom in decisions we will face (both those we know about and those we don’t!), and committing our ways to Him.

If your finances could use a bit of a spring cleaning, join us as host James Lenhoff leads us through some key questions and decisions in this episode of The Faithful Steward.